Browsing All posts tagged under »Gender and Community Informatics«

World Summit on the Information Society: Looking Back and Looking Forward: My Comments To a WSIS +10 Review Plenary

February 25, 2013


Thus, looking forward I see that the issues of digital economic justice, digital equality and digital inequality as well as digital inclusion will develop alongside and partially displace issues of the digital divide as the primary pre-occupation to be addressed as we go forward to WSIS +10 and beyond in the task of building an Internet for all and an Internet that enables in the broadest public interest and towards the broadest possible public good.

Are Mobiles a Capitalist Plot to Keep the Poor Poor?

November 7, 2011

15 one study in rural Africa it was being found that the costs of mobile communications were absorbing up to 54% of the total net income of certain farmers

Louder Voices and Learning Networks

June 25, 2011


But in looking at this array of attractive intellectual baubles I’m left with one nagging concern. Amidst all this media and networking and mobility what exactly will be the content of this “Twenty-first Century University as global learning network”? Where will the content come from, that will constitute the “learning” component of this learning network? How exactly will the promise implicit in this statement—“digital learning is increasingly recognized as an important part of development worldwide” be realized in fact, and by whom, and ultimately in whose interests?

The Dead Hand of (Western) Academe: Community Informatics in a Less Developed Country Context

June 9, 2011


I’m just back from a variety of recent travels--lecturing, workshopping, seminaring, meeting with academics and researchers in various parts of the Asian less developed countries (LDCs). Specifically I was invited to discuss community informatics with academics/researchers in 3 universities in 3 rather different regions of Asia. In reflecting on these meetings I realized the very strong strain of consistency in our discussions. In each instance, the academics, almost all of whom had recent Ph.D.s from research universities in Developed Countries (DC’s) returned home to find that their recently acquired skills and areas of expert knowledge were of little direct value in their home environments.

The Ethical Responsibility of Researchers in Community Informatics

March 11, 2011


As both an academic (and research) discipline and a community (and policy) practice, Community Informatics links a variety of communities and many with a widely varying degree of resources and opportunities.

Gender in Community Informatics: New Special Double Issue of Journal of Community Informatics

July 15, 2010


Issues of gender are at the very heart of community informatics just as they are at the very heart of community and communities. Gender-based differences in opportunities for access, differences in required uses, differences in strategies for appropriation are all central to an understanding of how ICT can enable communities.