Browsing All Posts published on »September, 2013«

Snowden isn’t just about Surveillance. It is much, Much, MUCH worse…

September 30, 2013


That is, everything that is open to intervention/surveillance through networked digital means, which in the context of the modern world means almost everything is equally open to input, interference, modification,, damage, destruction simply by inserting a few digits into the bit stream.

“Internet Freedom” and Post-Snowden Global Internet Governance

September 24, 2013


I look for those who a year ago, were so eager to rally forces in support of Internet Freedom to rally again to this somewhat battered standard but now one that is rather less naive and rather more reflective of the underlying reality of this technology enabled world in which we live.

The Internet, Global Governance, and the Surveillance State in a Post-Snowden World (The Internet is Not Your Friend, Get Over It)

September 4, 2013


Much has been made of the role that the Internet is playing in restructuring the way in which governance is executed both at the national and the global levels. The role of the Internet in supporting the rise of wide-spread autocrat-challenging movements in the Arab world, the role of the Internet in enabling middle class protests against out of touch officials and political structures in democracies, the power of the Internet to sway elections and directly influence policies are all obvious and widely commented upon.