Browsing All Posts published on »May, 2010«

NEPAD’s ICT for Africa Summit and Community Informatics

May 13, 2010


To date NEPAD has operated primarily as a high-level talk shop for politicians, government officials and the corporate sector. The ICT Summit rather unexpectedly however, has included Community Informatics as among four stakeholder groups (along with Health, Government, and Business Informatics) which they are looking to "mobilise" and I, with African CI colleagues, have been invited to manage and present this theme over the course of the conference.

Next Generation Telecentres (NGTs)

May 3, 2010


What is becoming clear is that the first generation of Telecentres which provided a basis for first introducing the Internet (and computing) to many parts of the world and particularly into rural areas has now for many become more or less obsolete and but for some time a new set of approaches has been emerging in many parts of the Telecentre world.