Browsing All Posts published on »January, 2011«

Tunisia: They have the tools, now what do they do with them? Thinking about what happens next.

January 20, 2011


It was perhaps inevitable, that the Ben Ali government’s investments to present a modern face to the outside world through the technical proficiency of its young people should come back to bite it through the use of that very proficiency as a significant means to challenge and ultimately undermine and remove the government which had chosen this as its priority.

IT-Intermediaries, e-Government, and the Digital Divide

January 13, 2011


In an important article in the current issue of the Journal of Community Informatics , Hungarian Sociologists Csótó Mihály and Szilárd Molnár examine the development of the “Information Society” in Hungary from the perspective of those who are being left behind in its development and the impact that this is having on innovation and development in Hungary as whole. Their analysis and observations have relevance far beyond Hungary or even Europe and link quite directly into a similarly important newspaper article on the recurring Digital Divide among Afro-Americans and Hispanics in the US, by Jeffrey Washington of Associated Press and reprinted in USA Today and the Washington Post among other places.

FuturICT: Building a “Socio-Economic Knowledge Collider” and Some Questions

January 7, 2011


I'm not sure what anyone else thinks, but this proposal which is an attempt to get major funding to do very very large scale social simulations based on real time data of social phenomena is currently up for EU research funding. This seems to me to be extremely questionable from a variety of perspectives.